Despite receiving poor reviews, the controversial film “Adipurush” has managed to achieve impressive box office numbers in its opening weekend. According to Box Office India, the retelling of the Ramayana earned a net collection of ₹105 crore. Directed by Om Raut, the VFX-heavy film features Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh, and Saif Ali Khan in the roles of Ram, Sita, Lakshman, and Ravan, respectively.
While the film’s dialogues, particularly those spoken by Devdatta Nage as Hanuman, received criticism for lacking elegance and gravitas, the film’s ticket sales in the Hindi belt were lower than expected. The impact of Cyclone Biparjoy also kept audiences away from theaters in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Despite these challenges, Box Office India reports that the film’s collections on Sunday did not show significant growth compared to Friday and Saturday. The film earned approximately ₹35 crore net on its first, second, and third days at the box office.