There have been recent reports stating that Anushka Sharma has rejected the offer to be a part of Farhan Akhtar’s upcoming film “Jee Le Zaraa.” However, according to sources, these reports are inaccurate, and Anushka has not even been approached for the film in the first place. It is mentioned that the rumors may have stemmed from a marketing team’s decision and hold no truth.
The real reason behind Anushka’s absence from the film is said to be her desire to focus on spending quality time with her daughter and balancing her personal life with her professional commitments. After her last film “Zero” in 2018, Anushka has been selective with her projects and has signed only one film, “Chakda Express.” The shooting timelines of “Jee Le Zaraa” did not align with her schedule, making it difficult for her to allocate the required number of days for the film.
On the other hand, Priyanka Chopra, who was initially reported to have opted out of the film, is still a part of “Jee Le Zaraa.” The movie is described as a women-centric road trip film, helmed by Farhan Akhtar and also starring Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.