Hayley Atwell, known for her role as Peggy Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is embarking on a new action franchise with Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning, Part One. As she reflects on her time in the MCU, Atwell expresses disappointment with Peggy Carter’s most recent appearance.
Peggy Carter first appeared as a capable military officer and Steve Rogers’ love interest in Captain America: The First Avenger. Her character continued to evolve and gain prominence, headlining two seasons of the TV series Agent Carter and making a significant appearance in Avengers: Endgame, which brought Steve’s story to a poignant conclusion. Atwell also voiced Peggy in the animated series What If…?, exploring an alternate universe where she became a supersoldier. Additionally, she made a brief live-action cameo as Captain Carter in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
However, Atwell reveals her disappointment with how Peggy’s story was handled in Doctor Strange. In an interview on Josh Horowitz’s podcast Happy Sad Confused, Atwell expressed her frustration with the character’s fate. She referenced the scene where Peggy confidently declares, “I could do this all day,” only to be abruptly killed by Scarlet Witch.
Atwell remarked that the moment didn’t feel like her choice and that it didn’t serve Peggy’s character well. She jokingly mentioned the irony of Peggy’s iconic line being followed by her immediate demise, implying that it contradicted the spirit of the character.
While Atwell’s disappointment reflects her personal feelings about Peggy’s storyline, it is worth noting that the Marvel Cinematic Universe often takes unexpected twists and turns in its narratives, surprising audiences and subverting expectations. Nonetheless, Atwell’s comments shed light on her deep connection to the character and her desire for Peggy’s story to be portrayed in a way that honors her strength and resilience.