Cara Delevingne showcased her chic style as she attended Wimbledon alongside her partner, Minke. The model and actress made a fashionable statement, wearing a beige jacket paired with black leather trousers. As they enjoyed the tennis match, Cara and Minke shared a sweet kiss, displaying their affection for one another.
The outing comes in the midst of intense backlash Cara has faced over an awkward interview moment at the British Grand Prix. She was criticized on Twitter for allegedly “snubbing” Martin Brundle, a well-known figure in motorsports, during the event. Despite the controversy, Cara seemed to be enjoying herself at Wimbledon, showing a range of reactions while seated alongside Sienna Miller.
Cara and Minke have managed to keep their relationship relatively low-key since they revealed they were together the previous year. Their appearance together at Wimbledon further solidifies their bond.
In terms of her fashion choices, Cara effortlessly showcased her laid-back style. She paired her tan blazer with a black top, chunky boots, shades, and a black and white shoulder bag. Her swept-back hair and minimal makeup allowed her natural features to shine.
Some social media users drew comparisons between Cara’s behavior at the Grand Prix and singer Sam Ryder, with one user expressing appreciation for Sam’s presence on the F1 grid compared to Cara’s alleged actions.
Overall, Cara Delevingne’s appearance at Wimbledon with partner Minke highlighted their love and showcased her stylish flair, despite the recent backlash she has faced.