Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh graced the wedding reception party of Karan Deol and Drisha Acharya with their presence, adding star power to the event. The couple attended the grand reception in Mumbai along with Ranveer’s parents, Jagjit Singh Bhavnani and Anju Bhavnani, and his sister, Ritika Bhavnani. Deepika opted for a black kurta while Ranveer kept it simple in a white sherwani.
Videos of Deepika and Ranveer at the reception have been circulating on social media, capturing their entrance as they held hands and greeted other guests. They were seen enjoying themselves, dancing and cheering during a performance by legendary singer Sonu Nigam. The footage also includes Sunny Deol, who was seated alongside the bride and groom, enjoying the performance.
Among the various unseen pictures shared on social media, a notable one features Deepika, Ranveer, veteran actor Dharmendra, comedian Kapil Sharma, and his wife Ginni. It’s worth mentioning that Ranveer will be sharing the screen with Dharmendra in the upcoming film “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahanii,” directed by Karan Johar and also starring Alia Bhatt.
The presence of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh at Karan Deol’s wedding reception added glamour to the celebration and garnered attention from their fans and followers.