Kareena Kapoor, along with her husband Saif Ali Khan, shared a heartwarming family picture that brought joy to their fans. The photo captures a candid moment of the couple taking a stroll with their sons, Taimur and Jeh. In the first image, Kareena and Saif are seen from behind, and the caption reads “keep.” The second image completes the message, featuring the entire family with their backs to the camera, and the caption says “Moving on.”
Throughout their journey, from their courtship days to becoming parents of two boys, Kareena and Saif have always maintained an authentic connection with their fans. On Father’s Day, Kareena dedicated a special post to Saif, sharing a fun image of them wearing party glasses. In the caption, she expressed her love and admiration for Saif as the “coolest” and “hottest dad,” and Saba Pataudi, Saif’s sister, also joined in to wish him a happy Father’s Day.
These glimpses into their personal lives demonstrate the love and bond within their family and resonate with their followers, who appreciate their genuine and relatable approach.