The Indian film “Adipurush,” starring Kriti Sanon and Prabhas, has received criticism from various quarters since its release. The film has been scrutinized for aspects such as performances, screenplay, dialogues, and visual effects. Despite the negative reception, Kriti Sanon, who portrays the character Janaki in the film, took to Instagram to share a post focusing on the positive aspects. She posted pictures and videos of fans cheering for her on-screen appearance in theaters across the country, accompanied by a caption expressing gratitude and using the phrase “Jai Siya Ram” (an invocation to Lord Ram).
However, fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the film and Kriti Sanon’s response in the comments section. Some called for a boycott of the movie, while others criticized the adaptation of the Ramayan story and the high-budget animation. Fans urged the actors and filmmakers to pay more attention to the movie and storytelling instead of focusing on the positive reactions.
The response to “Adipurush” has been mixed, with contrasting opinions about the film’s quality and faithfulness to the source material.