Mimoh Chakraborty, the son of renowned Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty, has shed light on his father’s decision to work in less popular films in the 2000s. Despite Mithun Chakraborty’s immense popularity in the late 70s, 80s, and 90s, he chose to act in several B-grade movies during that period. Mimoh revealed that his father made these choices to provide for his family and support his hotel business in Ooty.
According to Mimoh, Mithun Chakraborty took on these films because every Bollywood and South Indian film unit would stay at their hotel, resulting in a steady influx of guests. Although his father did it for the money, the producers of these films did not incur losses. If they spent 70 lakh rupees on a film, they would earn 1 crore rupees in return. Mithun Chakraborty never had any reservations about doing these films. Even today, he continues to work in shows like Dance Bangla Dance and Dance India Dance, always prioritizing his family. Mimoh expressed his pride in his father’s commitment to his family, stating that his first and last thought is always about them.
Mimoh also shared that his mother, actress Yogeeta Bali, observed his father’s ups and downs more closely than they did. During their childhood, Mithun Chakraborty was a megastar, and his mother would inform them that he would experience periods of depression after a film flop. At the time, he would work four shifts a day, dedicating two hours to each set. Interestingly, he introduced vanity vans to the industry. Fortunately, as children, they did not personally witness these dark phases. Mimoh further revealed that there were times when his father didn’t know where his next meal would come from and had to clean a gym’s bathroom in exchange for using it.
Overall, Mimoh Chakraborty’s insights provide a glimpse into the sacrifices and challenges his father faced in his career while prioritizing his family’s well-being.