According to recent research presented at the European Congress on Obesity, ear acupuncture using metal beads, in combination with a restricted diet, has shown potential for weight loss, reducing body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body fat in men living with obesity. The study was conducted by Dr. Takahiro Fujimoto and his team from Clinic F in Tokyo, Japan.
The study suggests that acupuncture stimulation with metal beads on specific points of the outer ear can help regulate appetite, satiety, and hunger. The beads stimulate nerves and organs associated with these functions. Unlike traditional acupuncture with intradermal needles, this method using metal beads is considered easier to apply and does not require complex knowledge or professional acupuncturist skills.
Acupuncture, based on traditional Chinese medicine, works on the principle that the body’s health depends on the flow of qi (energy) through meridians or pathways. Auricular acupuncture, specifically, focuses on the outer ear as a representation of the entire body. Thin needles or beads are placed on specific points along the meridians to restore the flow of qi, resolving any blockages or disruptions and potentially addressing various health conditions.
While the exact mechanism is not fully understood, ear acupuncture may help regulate the endocrine system, modulate metabolism, improve digestion, and reduce oxidative stress. Previous studies on Japanese women with overweight or obesity have demonstrated positive weight loss outcomes with ear acupuncture using beads.
In this recent study, 81 overweight or obese Japanese men with high levels of abdominal fat received auricular acupuncture with 1.5 mm metal ear beads placed on six specific points of the outer ear. The participants were instructed to reduce their total food intake by half during the three months of treatment and kept food diaries. The beads were replaced twice a week, and participants also received dietary guidance. Measurements of body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, fat mass, lean mass, muscle mass, and abdominal fat were taken before and after the treatment period.
The results of this study contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the potential benefits of auricular acupuncture with metal beads for weight loss and body fat reduction in men living with obesity. However, further research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms and long-term effects of this treatment approach.
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