Threads, a social media platform launched by Meta, has seen a massive surge in sign-ups but is facing challenges in retaining daily active users. According to a study by SimilarWeb, the number of daily active users dropped significantly from 49 million to 23.6 million in just one week, indicating that many users who initially signed up are not returning regularly to the platform.
Despite the drop in daily active users, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg remains optimistic about Threads’ future. He expressed his confidence in the platform and highlighted that tens of millions of people still come back to use it daily, which exceeds their expectations. Zuckerberg emphasized that the focus for the platform in the coming months will be on improving the basics and enhancing user retention. He believes that stabilizing user engagement will be a crucial step before focusing on growing the community further.
Zuckerberg compared Threads’ early growth to the trajectory of other successful platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Stories, and Reels. He believes that once the platform establishes stable and consistent user engagement, it will be better positioned to grow its user base and build a thriving community.
While the drop in daily active users is a concern, Zuckerberg’s positive outlook and commitment to refining the platform suggest that Meta is determined to address the challenges and make Threads a successful social media platform in the long run.